Frequently Asked Questions

Amrit Thomas

"Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. "

John Smith

"Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. "

Marc Jacobs

"Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. "

Which template/offer should I choose?

All of the templates have had success with other businesses in your industry. Some work better than others depending on your location/market. You should select a template where your business can provide on the proven offer. Typically business owners start with a smaller offer and work their way up to a better one if needed. 

What should I use for my budget?

Each industry is different. However, we always recommend to spend a daily budget of at least your target cpl (cost per lead). This is typically around $10-32 for most industries. If you are unable to meet this recommendation, that is fine, but it will just take the system longer to test and get results… so be more patient.

What should my radius be for ads?

Your radius depends on the business type. If you have a typical brick and mortar business, we recommend a radius of 5-30 miles depending on the industry and your typical customer. If your business does not have a physical location, your radius should simply be your service area. In most cases, the larger your area, the more leads you will be getting..

When should I start seeing results?

Depending on your budget, you can start seeing results within the first few hours! However, patience is key! Most businesses start seeing results within the first few days.

What if I’m not satisfied with the results?

If it has been 8 days and you are not satisfied with your results, feel free to pause the campaign and try another template/offer! Remember, some templates crush it in certain markets! If you try multiple templates and are still not satisfied with the results, contact support. We are here to help! (It is important to be patient and wait at least 8 days before you make any changes, especially if your budget is low)

My campaign was going really well but it is slowing down, what should I do?

Always look at campaign performance on a longer (1 week) timeframe. It is quite common to have a bad day and then do great the next. However, if your campaign seems to have fallen off (wait around 5 days before making this judgment), simply choose a new template and go!

I don’t see a template/offer that I like, can you build me a custom one?

Of course, just contact support and let us know your ideas!

Best practice for contacting leads?

Make sure you are calling leads quickly. Most leads need to be nurtured. They aren’t just going to throw money at you. If you need help with sales, reference the client resources where we have proven scripts/templates. If you want to get results, use our scripts… if you are doing all of the above, contact us and we can make some adjustments to the campaign and target higher quality leads!

My Facebook ad campaign failed to launch, what is the problem?

The software always gives you a reason why the campaign failed to start. Oftentimes, you don’t have a correct address on your facebook page (add an address or try a different one), or your ad account hasn’t agreed to the terms and service. Follow the instructions that the software gives you, if you are still having trouble, feel free to reach out to support. 

My Ad account got disabled, what should I do?

Check out this video:

How do I set up the text automations?

It is in the automations tab. However, we are always willing to build you one. Just let us know what you’re looking for!